I hope your summer is off to a wonderful start as we move deeper into the month of June. I am pleased to write with a few important updates regarding grant programs. First, we are moving closer to a possible Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant...
Congratulations to Galliker Dairy Company and our Grant Writers: Catherine M. Quinn, MS & Brooke L. Sheeler, MA Read the Original Article Here JOHNSTOWN, Pa (WJAC) — Local lawmakers announced the approval of over half a million dollars’ worth of grants that will...
Congratulations to the Allegheny County Airport Authority/Pittsburgh International Airport on their $18.7 million BUILD Grant Award announced today! We couldn’t be more proud to have been selected as the writing team on this amazing economic development project! Thank...
We are excited to announce that Jefferson Hospital is receiving $200,000 from the Gaming and Economic Development Funds through Allegheny County. This project will help Allegheny Health Network build a healing garden aimed to promote healing in patients, families, and...
Both LCT Energy and Corsa Coal Corp. received funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s Multimodal Transportation Fund. LCT was given $500,000 towards their Laurel Rail Loop project in Shade Township that will reinstall nearly 18,000 feet of railroad track...
The Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation received $175,000 from DCNR (Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources) to revitalize the Cascades in South Park, located in Allegheny County. Under the leadership of Mr. David Soltesz, and Mr. Andy Baechle, the...